ISAEP Program
Each ISAEP must include the following components.
Career guidance and counseling
Attendance in a GED®-preparation class
Counseling on the economic impact of failing to complete high school
Procedures for re-enrolling in regular high school programs
Career and technical training component
The ISAEP will include a career and technical training component to help ensure that students exit the program with the skills necessary to find entry level employment and/or transition to postsecondary education or work force training.
Potential career and technical training components include apprenticeships, cooperative learning experiences, paid or unpaid internships, service learning, employment and/or job shadowing.
Parent(s), the principal/designee, the student, and other appropriate individuals will sign the initial ISAEP and any subsequent amendments.
Isaep Ongoing Activities
Local school divisions have the flexibility to design activities that meet the educational needs of individual students. However, certain elements must be provided on an ongoing basis. These include:
academic preparation for the GED® test;
career counseling to include emerging career opportunities; and
updates to student and parents about career and post-secondary opportunities available as a result of the student’s improved academic and career and technical preparation.
Exiting the Isaep Program
Students can exit the ISAEP program in one of two ways.
Students must successfully complete all of the requirements of the ISAEP, which include passing the GED® test.
Students can discontinue their involvement in the ISAEP process and re-enroll in any accredited secondary educational program.
Students With Disabilities
Placement of qualifying students with disabilities will be determined by the student Individual Education Plan (IEP) and/or the 504 process. Students with disabilities complete their ISAEP per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and they continue to be entitled to free access to public education through age 21.
Ged® Testing*
ISAEP students are required to attain a minimum score of 145 on each of the four GED Ready™ practice test sections before being allowed to take the GED® test. Passing the GED® test does not constitute completion of the ISAEP program or of the state’s compulsory education requirements. All components of the ISAEP must be completed in order to meet these requirements.
*GED® is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education and may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the American Council on Education
The Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) program prepares students at risk of dropping out of public high school to take the General Educational Development (GED®) test while developing career and technical education skills. The ISAEP program fulfills compulsory attendance requirements for students who are at least 16 years of age and for whom an ISAEP is written.
A student is eligible for enrollment in the ISAEP program if the student:
is currently enrolled in a public high school
is a least 16 years of age
is at risk of dropping out of school
is not earning the required number of credits at school
meets academic entrance requirements; and
chooses to prepare for the GED® test.
Student enrollment requirements for the program include the following:
an initial principal-parent-student (PPS) meeting
a student evaluation /assessment
a 7.5 grade equivalent or higher on a recognized standardized measure of reading achievement
achievement of a score of 125 or higher on each of the of the four GED Ready™ practice sub-tests, and
enrollment in a career and technical education component and an economics and personal finance coursework component.
Once a student meets the enrollment requirements, the development of the ISAEP is undertaken in a second PPS meeting.
Most public school divisions in the Commonwealth of Virginia participate in the ISAEP program. Students and parents seeking information about the program should contact their school counselors or administrators. Information may also be obtained from the Virginia Department of Education by contacting the ISAEP Specialist at the Office of Adult Education and Literacy at 804-786-7644 or via e-mail at: E-mail Beveryly Godwin.
More information is available on the Office of Adult Education and Literacy (OAEL)