Churchland Academy and Churchland Middle School Logos

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) has named both Churchland Academy Elementary School and Churchland Middle School as having a Recognized ASCA Model Program® (RAMP®).

According to the ASCA, this means the schools “are committed to delivering an exemplary school counseling program” and that their programs are aligned with the ASCA National Model®, which is a framework for a data-informed school counseling program. This is especially important as the ASCA has highlighted research that shows how fully implemented school counseling programs are associated with a range of positive student educational and behavioral outcomes.

“As a former counselor myself, I can personally attest to the vital role our counselors play in schools and the impact they have on all our students,” said Dr. Elie Bracy, III, superintendent of Portsmouth Public Schools. “This accomplishment for both Churchland Academy and Churchland Middle is a testament to their intentional focus on providing the best possible counseling services to their students and prioritizing the work of their dedicated counseling staff.”

Both schools will be honored at a recognition ceremony at ASCA’s Annual Conference in Long Beach, Calif., later this summer.

“This year’s RAMP® honorees have shown their commitment to students and the school counseling profession,” said Jill Cook, ASCA executive director. “These schools used data to drive their program development and implementation so all students can achieve success. The RAMP® designation distinguishes these schools and encourages school counselors nationwide to strive for excellence.”